• Nicholas Leung

    Nicholas Leung 梁力恒

    / Founder and CEO of CLUB C+ /
    / CLUB C+ 創辦人及行政總裁 /

    At the root of Nicholas Leung’s story is passion - a family’s passion for creativity and hospitality. Growing up in a household where originality and out-of-the-box thinking is appreciated and encouraged, Nicholas did in fact took the courageous route of entering the hospitality and lifestyle consultancy after graduating at UCLA with a degree on Economics.

    Started his career at 1957 & Co. and established his own company NOVL STUDIO in 2020, Nicholas is in charge of the opening and operations of several projects, including OOAK LAMMA, CLUB C+, and URBAN MONSTER.


    畢業後工作於1957 & Co.,梁力恒於2020年開設了NOVL STUDIO並負責開設及營運OOAK LAMMA,CLUB C+ 及 URBAN MONSTER 等項目。

  • Steve Leung

    Steve Leung 梁志天

    / Interior Designer of CLUB C+ /
    / CLUB C+ 室内設計師 /

    Steve Leung is an internationally acclaimed architect, interior and product designer born in Hong Kong, China. He has over 30 years of design experience and his works reflect the project’s unique character with a contemporary touch, taking inspirations from Asian culture and arts.

    Recognized for 15 times in the Oscar of Interior Design, Andrew Martin International Interior Design Awards, Steve is the winner of Interior Designer of the Year Award 2015, reaching unprecedented design achievements and cross-disciplinary collaborations with international brands.

    國際著名建築、室內及產品設計師梁志天先生出生於中國香港,擁有超過30 年的設計經驗,以現代設計風格見稱,善於將饒富亞洲文化及藝術元素融入其作品中,曾15 度入選被譽為室內設計奧斯卡的Andrew Martin 國際室內設計大獎,並於2015 年勇奪“全球年度設計師” 的殊榮,且締造領先業界的跨界創作,聯乘多個國際家居品牌推出產品設計。

  • Tino Kwan

    Tino Kwan 關永權

    / Lighting Designer of CLUB C+ /
    / CLUB C+ 燈光設計師 /

    Internationally acclaimed lighting designer Tino Kwan is widely accepted as one of the world’s most celebrated masters of his trade. His dazzling work can be found across the globe from palaces in Iran to the most luxurious hotels in Tokyo.

    Professionals both within and outside the industry have heralded his design achievements. He was named one of Hong Kong’s Ten Most Outstanding Designers in 2007 and was awarded the Outstanding Greater China Design Award for eight consecutive years from 2008 to 2015. He also received awards from the China Illuminating Engineering Society in 2006 and 2008.

    關永權被譽為全球最優秀的燈光設計師之一,設計作品遍布全球,從位於伊朗的皇宮,至東京頂級奢華酒店,都可欣賞到他令人目眩神迷的燈光設計。除此之外,還經常與業內最頂尖的建築師及室內設計師合作。傑出作品自一九八七年起,先後獲得業內外不同機構的嘉獎,多年來所獲獎項不計其數,包括於二零零七年獲選為香港十大傑出設計師稱號,並於二零零八至二零一五年期間連續八屆奪得大中華傑出設計大獎。關的作品亦同時得到國際專業的認同,於二零零六至零九年期間,先後獲得由中國照明學會 (CIES),日本社團法人照明學會 (IEIJ) 及北美照明學會 (IESNA) 所頒發的獎項,成績驕人。

  • Alan Chan

    Alan Chan 陳幼堅

    / Brand Consultant of CLUB C+ /
    / CLUB C+ 品牌顧問 /

    Being a designer, brand consultant and artist, Alan and his company have received more than 600 local and international awards during his over 51 years of experience in advertising and design. Since 2000, Alan has ventured into the new arena of fine arts besides graphic, product and spatial design. In 2017, he was honoured by Hong Kong Design Centre as the World's Outstanding Chinese Designer


  • Catherine Kwai

    Catherine Kwai 季玉年

    / Art Curator of CLUB C+ /
    / CLUB C+ 藝術策劃人 /

    Ms Catherine Kwai is the Founder and CEO of Kwai Fung Hin Art Gallery. She established Kwai Fung Hin in 1991, motivated by a passion for art and her wish to bridge the cultural exchange between China and the West. In the past 30 years, Kwai Fung Hin has organized over 150 exhibitions and has curated and supported exhibitions with 13 renowned museums and institutes. Kwai Fung Hin has collaborated with international publishing house Flammarion and Rizzoli to publish artists’ monographs.


  • Gary Kwok

    Gary Kwok 郭一璇

    / Floral Designer of CLUB C+ /
    / CLUB C+ 花藝設計師 /

    Gary Kwok is one of Asia’s leading floral designers and is considered a pioneer in the industry in Hong Kong. In 2002, Gary reached her greatest milestone in her career when she was handpicked to partner with Italian fashion designer Giorgio Armani to launch Armani/Fiori Hong Kong. This ground-breaking and successful collaboration continues to flourish to this day. In 2005, Gary opened her own studio, Gary Kwok Flowers & Design, where she continues to raise the bar for floral design in Asia.

    郭一璇是亞洲首屈一指的花藝設計師,亦是香港同業中的佼佼者。2002年,她被意大利著名時裝設計師喬治•亞曼尼挑選成為旗下花藝品牌 Armani/Fiori的合作夥伴,至今仍是她設計生涯一個重要的里程碑,亦令她在業界確立地位及風格。

    2005年,郭一璇開立自家品牌 Gary Kwok Flowers & Design ,與 Armani/Fiori 並行鑽研不同的設計美學。